When Should You See Us for Wisdom Tooth Treatment?
Posted on 10/19/2020 by Young Jun DDS MD FACS
Wisdom teeth typically begin to come in between eighteen and twenty years old. It is recommended they come out before patients turn twenty years old because at that time the root structure has not completely developed and it is easier to remove them when they have not had the time to grow full roots. One aspect of having them removed at that time is patients heal faster because they are younger too.
There have been recent arguments that having wisdom teeth is an unnecessary procedure. If a patient is over the age of twenty-five and the wisdom teeth have protruded through the gum tissue and have no negative symptoms, then likely they do not have to be removed. Certainly, those patients exhibiting pain and complain of aches in the jaw or if an infection is present should have them removed. So, when is the best time to have them removed?
Proactive Approach
The overall accepted view is to have them removed before patients become asymptomatic because it will save them a more painful and complicated procedure later in life when it will take them longer to heal. While those who have impacted wisdom teeth have a greater chance to develop infections, there does not seem to be a consensus on whether it is better to remove them as they begin to protrude or to remove them beforehand.
It does seem to be accepted that the teeth need to extracted before a patient's twentieth birthday to avoid any complications. If they are not removed, they can come in underneath the second molar which can then cause misalignment of the entire lower jaw. They are typically monitored beginning when the patient turns sixteen to follow their progress and determine when the best age is to remove them. If you would like to have your wisdom teeth evaluated please contact us.
Young Jun DDS MD FACS, 601 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. #9, Placentia, CA 92870 | (657) 216-1617 | placentiaoralsurgery.com | 9/11/2024 | Related Phrases: dental implants Placentia CA |