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Home For Patients Blog Signs You Could Benefit from a Ridge Augmentation

Signs You Could Benefit from a Ridge Augmentation

Posted on 6/8/2020 by Young Jun DDS MD FACS
Signs You Could Benefit from a Ridge AugmentationA ridge augmentation is carried out to augment the alveolar ridges that run beneath the gums. These ridges play an important role in defining our smiles. The ridges support upper and lower teeth.

Why do I Need a Ridge Augmentation?

A tooth extraction or tooth loss leaves a gap in the gum line. Teeth play an important role in keeping the jawbone healthy. The empty socket left behind after a tooth is removed cannot do this, and the bone begins to shrink. When this happens, it impacts our facial appearance, our smile, and also makes dental restorations that much more difficult. Your dentist may suggest a ridge augmentation procedure before commencing a dental restoration procedure. If you're considering a dental implant, then it is best to take a dentist's opinion as early as possible about the need for a ridge augmentation. Bone deterioration, in the absence of a tooth root to stimulate the ridge bone, can be a rapid process.

Apart from dental implants, a ridge augmentation is also recommended to maintain oral health. Loss of bone can create gaps in the gumline where food particles may get stuck and bacterial infection can occur.

Apart from age-related issues, trauma and infection may lead to tooth loss. A receding gumline and poor bone density in the alveolar ridge affect facial features and can make one appear older than one actually is. Aesthetics are a big reason why periodontists recommend this procedure. It can help bring back a youthful smile, and the strengthened bone will serve as a base for any dental processes planned for the future.

In order to strengthen the bone so that it can withstand the procedure for dental implants, surgery is performed. You need to be healthy to ensure a successful procedure, including a smooth recovery. Get in touch with us to learn more about ridge augmentation, experience the procedure successfully, and recover in a pleasant environment.

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Young Jun DDS MD FACS, 601 E. Yorba Linda Blvd. #9, Placentia, CA 92870, (657) 216-1617,, 9/10/2024, Related Phrases: dental implants Placentia CA,