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Home For Patients Blog Signs You Need To See an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Signs You Need To See an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

Posted on 12/15/2023 by Weo Admin
A man in dental chair ready for oral surgeryScheduling regular appointments with your dentist is advisable as they can detect any complications that could turn into an emergency. Your dentist will resolve dental issues through procedures, recommend oral medications, or both. However, some problems require a surgical address, making it important to know the signs you need to see a surgeon. However, there are different types of surgeons. Here are signs you need to see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS).

You Have Impacted Wisdom Teeth

When your wisdom teeth erupt partially, you will get complications, including swelling, pain, fever, and signs of infections. If you are experiencing pain or pressure at the back of your mouth where your wisdom teeth are erupting, contact your dentist for help. Often, your dentist will recommend oral surgery to remove the impacted wisdom teeth.

You Want a Dental Implant

Missing teeth can cause issues with the surrounding teeth, speech challenges, and gum disease. Therefore, consider surgical replacement of your missing tooth with a titanium implant and a crown mimicking your natural teeth.

You Are Experiencing Jaw Pain

If you are experiencing persistent headaches and facial pain, you are likely suffering from TMJ disorder, a dysfunction of the joint where your lower jaw and skull meet. While oral medications, physical therapy, and splints prove effective in most cases, your dentist will recommend an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for permanent relief.

Facial Infections

A facial infection will cause persistent pain, affecting your quality of life. When this swelling reaches a point where you cannot function normally, it is advisable to see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon for treatment.

Sleeping Problems

If your partner has to wake you up at night due to your persistent snoring, to allow them to get some rest, consider an appointment with an oral and maxillofacial surgeon. Through soft tissue removal or laser surgery, you will experience reduced sleep and breathing problems.

Schedule Your Appointment

Now that you know the signs of needing to see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, check your symptoms and book an appointment if you feel you meet the criteria. A professional OMS will help diagnose and operate any issues on your teeth, lips, jaws, and surrounding structures.

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